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Storm Watching


Warning - road to Shore Acres State Park is closed to vehicular traffic
Due to weather-related damage, the road to Shore Acres State Park is temporarily closed to all vehicle, bike, and foot traffic. Visitors can still access the following areas: The Bog Trail between the campground and Yoakam Point; Sunset Bay day-use areas; The section of the Oregon Coast Trail (OCT) from South Sunset to Norton Gulch. Construction is expected to last several weeks. Please check back for updates.

The Oregon Coast is famous for drama-the good kind! Fall and winter is the best time to watch dramatic wave crashes reaching up to 300 feet high resulting from winter storms on the Pacific during the months of November through March.

As Oregon Coast experts, we can assure you that it doesn’t matter how many times you have witnessed Mother Nature’s fury over the mighty Pacific, storm watchers have a different experience each and every time.

Storm Watching on Oregon’s Adventure Coast at Shore Acres State Park

Stormwatching has more to do with the ocean conditions rather than the actual weather conditions. When conditions in the ocean create large swells, they translate into amazing wave action. A 15 – 20 foot swell will turn into a wave over 100 feet high!

Shore Acres State Park is often lauded as the best stormwatching spot on the entire Oregon Coast. Perched on top of an 80 foot cliff, this location allows for a safe distance above the waves while enjoying fantastic views.

The safest areas to view winter storms are at the storm watching hut at Shore Acres State Park, the bluff overlooking Bastendorff Beach, Cape Arago State Park, and Sunset Bay State Park.

The best viewing times tend to be November through March.


  • No animals permitted outside of vehicles in Shore Acres State Park and formal gardens, with the exception of service animals.
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(541) 269-0215
50 Central Ave, Coos Bay, OR 97420

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